the only website studio started in 2022 with what seemed like serendipity.
emma & marissa were brought together at age 20, by a lovely small business in Wilmington, NC, where we worked closely over two years to create a stunning, cohesive website, brand image, and marketing style. this is where a great friendship & business venture began. emma & marissa work in a way that completes each others sentences; between the two of us we feel strong, capable, and intelligent. we have a positive outlook and drive that motivates one another to be the best we can. this is an energy that we wish to share with our clients and provide not only stunning brand image, but an uplifting, positive experience.
we often spent time talking about the future and daydreaming about where we will go, as any senior in college might do. during one of these chats, we discovered that we had the exact same idea in mind for a start-up company. a company that would take a fresh, young perspective to a business and provide numerous services the wheels really started turning once we asked the question,
"is this the only option for small businesses to grow these days?"
we discovered very quickly that we could offer e-commerce set up, training, marketing advice, data entry, photography, logo design, modeling, event promotion, and general business support between just the two of us. which made us ask another question,
"are we the only people that can offer all this in one service?"
and the only website studio was born. we pride ourselves on being a unique business that only wishes to help bring YOUR visions to life, no matter what they might be. there is never a challenge we aren't willing to take on, lets get creative!